Questions 1. The Ministry responsible for the assessment of the effects of plans and programs on the environment (strategic environmental assessment) is: the Ministry of Health the Ministry of the Environment the Ministry of Regional Development 2. Within the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process: potential impacts of projects on the components of the environment are assessed the optimal structure of the landscape is suggested potential impacts of strategies on the landscape, fauna and flora, water, land, population etc. are assessed 3. The EIA process can be briefly described using the following sequence: Notification, Fact-Finding Procedure, EIA report, Expert Review, Public Hearing, Building permit Notification, Scoping, EIA report, Public Hearing, Statement on EIA Notification, Fact-Finding Procedure, EIA report, Expert Reviw, Public Hearing, Statement on EIA 4. The SEA process can be briefly described using the following sequence: Notification, Fact-Finding Procedure, Environmental report (SEA report and Draft plan or program), Statement on the Draft plan or program, Monitoring and Analysis of the Impacts of a plan or program on the Environment and Public Health Notification, Scoping, Documentation, Expert Review, Monitoring and Analysis of the Impacts of a Conception on the Environment and Public Health Notification, Fact-Finding Procedure, EIA report, Expert Review, Public Hearing, Statement on EIA, Monitoring and Analysis of the Impacts of a Conception on the Environment and Public Health 5. The SEA process evaluates: potential impacts of master plans on territorial development strategy potential impacts of buildings on landscape, fauna and flora, water, soil, population etc. potential impacts of strategies on the environment 6. A plan or program evaluated by SEA is submitted by: investor exclusively a public administration body exclusively a state administration body 7. The process of environmental impact assessment is regulated by: The Building Act The Act on environmental impact assessment has no legal support 8. The principle of alternative project solutions within EIA is based on: the alternative solutions of the same project the choice of assessment methods (EIA/SEA) with regard to the nature of the projects/plans and program a different order of the process phases 9. The principle of expert assessment and two-step control is expressed: by the continuity of the SEA and EIA process (the first phase SEA, the second EIA) by the cooperation of the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Regional Development by the assessment of environmental impacts of a project by two independent authorized persons 10. Considered alternatives of a project can be based, for example, on: proposals submitted by different investors different locations of the same construction the application of different environmental impact assessment methods 11. The principle of public participation is implemented in the form of: the possibility to comment on the plans and projects according to the place of permanent residence the opportunity to comment on the plans and projects by the general public and in the form of special authorizations of the concerned public a public representative in the process of environmental impact assessment 12. The concerned public shall be composed of: people residing in the concerned area only every citizen of the Czech Republic and foreigners from EU countries with permanent residence in the Czech Republic inter alia, people whose property rights are affected 13. The SEA process has been applied in the Czech Republic: since 1992 since 2001 since 2004 14. The EIA process has been applied in the Czech Republic: since 1969 since 1992 since 2001 15. The need to provide environmental impact assessment has evolved in the context of: the Industrial Revolution outset the awareness of the limits of the development and irreversible impacts of anthropogenic activity on the environment the creation of the European Union, or more precisely European Community 16. Environmental impact assessment legislation is: individually regulated by each EU Member State by national law determined by EU Directives within the transboundary environmental impact assessment, the other topics are solved by the Member States themselves determined by EU Directives and subsequently transposed by individual EU Member States into national law 17. The Infringement Amendment from 2015 has introduced: unbinding advisory statement procedural validity of the statement binding opinion (negative verdict stops the process) 18. The same influence from multiple sources is usually addressed as: cumulative effects synergic effects multi-criteria effects 19. The joint influence of various sources is usually addressed as: cumulative effects synergic effects multi-criteria effects 20. Screening is: an identification of assessed impact on the environment the method of EIA and SEA to decide about further assessment part of the post-project analysis 21. Scoping is: an identification of assessed impacts on the environment the method of EIA and SEA to decide about further assessment part of the post-project analysis 22. Within the SEA process, the following are considered: strategies submitted by public authorities in fulfillment of statutory requirements all spatial planning tools all strategies 23. EIA/SEA is automatically indicated when the impact cannot be excluded on: landscape protected areas NATURA 2000 any interests protected by Act No. 114/1992 Coll., on the Conservation of Nature and the Landscape 24. Alternatives resulting from the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment are: alternatives submitted by the investor and a alternatives without implementation of the project alternative presented by the investor and environmentally favorable alternative environmentally friendly alternative and alternative without project 25. The authorization for environmental and public health assessment is not needed for the elaboration of: EIA report Expert Review Notification 26. The EIA/SEA statement may be: agreeing, disagreeing, conditional agreeing agreement, disagreement, conditionally disagreement agreement, disagreement, recommendation 27. Choose the most accurate statement: Projects within the scope of the EIA: are explicitly laid down by the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment are explicitly set out in Appendix 1 of the Act on Environmetal Impact Assessment, their scope is extended by subliminal plans with potential impact on the NATURA 2000 are determined by the decision of the Nature Conservation Authority and the Building Authority 28. The core content of the EIA report is: a draft statement the impact assessment of individual alternatives on the environment and determining their order in terms of potential negative effects the proposal of the technical solution of the project and engineering-geological evaluation of the site in relation to the project 29. The content of the Expert Review is: a draft statement impact assessment of the individual alternatives on the environment and determining their order in terms of potential negative effects engineering-geological evaluation of the site in relation to the project 30. The public cannot comment on: Expert Review EIA report Notification 31. Which authority is not competent in the EIA process? The Ministry of the Environment The Ministry of the Health Regional Authority 32. The public hearing may be included: in the EIA process only the SEA process only in both cases 33. The identity of project documentation assessed within the EIA with project documentation used within the follow-up procedure: is confirmed by a coherence stamp is confirmed by a verification stamp is not compared 34. The EIA statement is valid: 5 years 7 years 10 years 35. Disagreeing statement indicates: the deferred effect of the decision opening the possibility to arrange the correction of the project documentation according to the relevant authority recommendation the need to revise the project and to launch a new environmental impact assessment process if the investor's interest persists the need to propose compensatory measures to eliminate adverse environmental impacts in the follow-up proceedings 36. The International Convention on Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment is called: the European Landscape Convention the Aarhus Convention the Espoo Convention 37. The International Convention on Public Access to Information and Decision-making particularly concerning the environment is called: the European Landscape Convention the Aarhus Convention the Espoo Convention 38. Which Spatial planning tools are assessed? Planning documentation Planning analytical materials Development Policy, Development Principles, Plan 39. The (master) plan is assessed by SEA: only if a significant negative impact on the NATURA 2000 system cannot be excluded always only if the concerned nature conservation authority or another competent authority decides 40. Assessment of impacts on sustainable development of the territory is part of the: EIA TIA SEA 41. Without a SEA statement specifically: projects in the territory concerned cannot be approved a draft plan or program is invalid a plan or program cannot be approved. 42. Without an EIA statement on the project: it is not possible to obtain a territorial decision it is possible to obtain a territorial decision, however, at the latest, in the building procedure, the EIA statement must be submitted the environmental impact assessment cannot be assessed 43. The ecological migration potential of the territory expresses: the intensity of the disruption of the country by a barrier effect the likelihood of migration being used without the construction of new communications ecological requirements of all populations in the area 44. Migration studies are processed: as part of the territorial analytical documentation at various stages of the project documentation of projects as obligatory elements within all concepts of territorial character 45. When the landscape character can be affected it is necessary: to prepare the EIA documentation to procure the binding statement of the nature conservation authority to procure the binding statement of the nature conservation authority, provided that the NATURA 2000 system is concerned 46. Within the EIA process: causal assessment of the landscape is provided preventive assessment of the landscape is provided Landscape impact assessment is not carried out 47. Landscape protection is guaranteed by: The Building Act the Law on the assessment of the environmental and public health effects the Nature and Landscape Protection Act 48. Master Plan: is evaluated in the EIA process is evaluated in the SEA process is evaluated in the TIA process 49. The basis for the analysis of the assessment of impacts on sustainable development of the territory are part of: Planning analytical materials SEA report territorial studies 50. Which methodology set out in the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment is used for the assessment of the landscape character and its subsequent protection? the collective group Bukáček et all. the authors' collective Vorel et all. the methodology has not yet been officially established 51. SEA: NotificationFact-Finding ProcedureStatement on the Draft conceptionMonitoring and Analysis of the Impacts of a Conception on the Environment and Public Health 52. EIA: NotificationEIA reportExpert ReviewThe Public HearingStatement on EIA